Android studio 3.0.1 avd
Android studio 3.0.1 avd

android studio 3.0.1 avd
  1. Android studio 3.0.1 avd update#
  2. Android studio 3.0.1 avd for android#
  3. Android studio 3.0.1 avd android#
  4. Android studio 3.0.1 avd code#
  5. Android studio 3.0.1 avd download#

Scroll up a bit and you'll see some errors from the ndk-build. Open up the project window, right click on app and select "Link C++ with Gradle".

Android studio 3.0.1 avd android#

What we need to do is tell Gradle (the build tool used by Android Studio) to use the Android make file for our project.

android studio 3.0.1 avd

SDL2 as a shared object that will interface with Java, and we'll build our game as another shared object that will interface with SDL 2.

Android studio 3.0.1 avd code#

The Native Development Kit that allows Java to interface with native C/C++ code using the Java Native Interface. Androidĭevelopment is mostly Java based and SDL is a C based library. Let's back up a bit and talk about how SDL 2 on Android works. This is complaining that the NDK setup is broken for our project. > Error: Your project contains C++ files but it is not using a supported native build system.Ĭonsider using CMake or ndk-build integration with the stable Android Gradle plugin: 14) If you try to hit Build -> Make Project you'll get the following error:Įrror:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugNdk'. Meteor is using Therefore, you may want to use an older version of Android Studio, I'm using 2.3.1, and stick to Android API Level 26.Build again and you should get a new error. Until Meteor 1.6.1 is released you may need to downgrade your tools. Also, this issue and this issue really need to be addressed as well. In my opinion it would be best to decouple the Cordova releases from Meteor releases as per this feature request. However, it is still not released and since then has been released along with and recently Both of these android releases fix issues including specifically with building with Android Studio 3.

Android studio 3.0.1 avd update#

The biggest problem is that Android/Android Studio and iOS/Xcode change more frequently, including breaking changes, which requires changes, including breaking changes, to Cordova than Meteor is able to keep up with in its release cycle.įor instance, I made this PR #9213 to update to and back on October 11, 2017. I share your pain with doing Cordova development with Meteor.

Android studio 3.0.1 avd for android#

It shouldn't in my view take all day to be able to build a meteor project for Android and iOS. I really wish that Meteor would focus more energy on usability rather than new features for the next release. I spend MOST of my time with Meteor not on development but on this kind of issue. I have the same project building correctly on another machine that I have tried to exactly reproduce everything from (including Android Studio 3 setup, environment / path variables). I've tried Android SDK 23,24,25,26,27, with none working. Others have apparently had similar problems, based on a number of other issues, and posts, but I have not been able to find a resolution. It is completely unclear what's going on.

android studio 3.0.1 avd

Android studio 3.0.1 avd download#

I especially like this instruction from the Guide: “Install the Android SDK and download the required tools, platforms, and other components” The instructions in the Guide are not adequate. This has become a half-day project, and is still not working. ✗ Android target: avdmanager: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:Įxception in thread "main" : javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchemaĪt .SchemaModule$SchemaModuleVersion.(Īt .SchemaModule.(Īt .AndroidSdkHandler.(Īt .n(Īt .AvdManagerCli.main(Ĭaused by: : .XmlSchemaĪt java.base/.loadClass(Īt java.base/$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Īt java.base/( Please follow the installation instructions in the mobile guide: Your system does not yet seem to fulfill all requirements to build apps for Android. Possible to run meteor add-platform android

  • The operating system you're running Meteor on.
  • The last version of Meteor where the problem did not occur, if applicable.
  • The version of Meteor showing the problem.

  • Android studio 3.0.1 avd